My Heroes

Yes, I'm already crying.

I have always had heroes.

On my way into work when I’m not listening to a podcast or one of my old Weird Al albums, I get quiet and think.  About myself.  Within a minute or two I start interviewing myself as if I were a guest on some important television program, answering questions about my life.  I’ve written about this before, and while it seems like narcissism I actually think it’s about me getting to know myself a little better. READ MORE

What Your Friends Owe You

Bushwick Bill is awesome.

“You know what you absolutely HAVE to see?”

I have a friend Suzanne and we’re pretty close pals.  She’s a big time hip-hop fan.  I know next to nothing about the genre except that I was a little freaked out when I saw the video of Tupac at Coachella.  Oh, and I thought the little guy from Geto Boys was awesome. READ MORE