Urban Gentleman Magazine

Yesterday I had three pieces go live in Urban Gentleman Magazine.  You can read the magazine online below, or better yet, purchase it at your local newsstand.

Special thanks to Editor-In-Chief Stacy Ellen who took a chance on me with absolutely no professional writing credits.  I’m proud to be associated with her magazine. READ MORE

Let’s Look At Some Goddamn Headshots!

One thing I’ve learned as somebody who has tried to maintain honesty and integrity with a blog:

Whenever I’m afraid to share something because I’m ashamed is exactly the time to do it.

I’m mostly afraid to share hard truth.  This was how I lived up until a few years ago – I was always a very nice, outgoing person, but one that was terrified for you to see my imperfection.  Because I thought it meant I was defective.  And even though we’re all somewhat defective, as is the human condition, I thought I could be doing just a little better if I really tried. READ MORE

First Two Magazine Articles Submitted!

I’m excited to call myself not only a blogger, chronic funnymaker, semi-professional Filipino Slapfighter, and drinker of Fresca.  Now I can add “contributing editor” to that list.

Tonight I cranked out 1000 words for two articles for Urban Gentleman Magazine.  I wrote about three spring activities that combine sports and social.  No, I’m not doing the big reveal until the issue hits the newsstand.  Oh yeah, you’re going to have to wait until next month to learn about sports! READ MORE