Rachel and Delfin Argue (About You) – Money and Relationships

Rachel and Delfin Argue (About You)

What’s Up With Guys and the Money Thing?

Rachel Thompson

From a woman’s perspective, it’s not that difficult (is anything with men that difficult, really?): men are born to be providers. Whether they embrace that role or not, our society thrusts it upon them from a very young age. Even if they eschew materials things, it’s still a point of pride to be able to provide them. READ MORE

Thank You!!!

I really try to let my readers know how appreciative I am that they read, continue to read, and comment.  I receive heartfelt emails from you and that makes my insides warm (so does  diphtheria).

Rachel Thompson and I would like to thank you for all the people that read our debut column, Rachel and Delfin Argue (About You).  You nearly broke my all time high daily record for views. READ MORE

A Gift From My Partner, Rachel!

If you’ve been following this blog, you know that my pal and author Rachel Thompson are rolling out a new feature.  In fact, I’m putting the finishing touches on our debut now, and it will go live later today.

To tide you over, Rachel has very generously agreed that, for today only, to provide her books at no cost for you. READ MORE