I Wrote What You Told Me (Again)

Once in awhile I have nothing to write about. So I ask you what to do. You tell me. I do.

With the exception of the years I was married I never had a date on New Years. I had a few long distance relationships, but we were never together on New Years. So every year is about the same. If I was at a bar I turned in a circle to find somebody to kiss. It never led to anything more. One year my wife and I had a party at our condo and I watched a guest telling a story and eating the peel and eat shrimp (I have this amazing recipe) without taking the shell off first. I kept wanting to raise my hand and interrupt him with a, “Holy Christ, man! What kind of insanity is this?” but I couldn’t because he hadn’t arrived at the story’s punchline. That was probably the wildest thing I ever witnessed on NYE. READ MORE

The Woman I’m Dating Is Into Cat Whiskers (Like Me)

Well, I do believe in these Guardian Angels.

Familiar with kismet?  For all you knuckle-draggers, it’s fate or destiny.

And while I don’t believe we can heal others with our positive thoughts, or in crystals or guardian angels, I do believe in meeting someone at the right time that can border on magic. READ MORE

Last Night I Met One Of You! (And You Didn’t Kill Me)

I hope they serve non-alcoholic beer.

I’m in a band.

And, without any false ego here, I think we’re pretty damned good.

Everyone who is in a band has some sort of “famous” fantasy – mine goes like this:

We finish our set and get offstage.  A woman comes walking over telling me she really likes the music and that we made her night.  Then she motions over to her table where she and a few friends are having drinks.  She invites me over and I hang out for an hour.  Then I go home alone.  No phone number or anything. READ MORE