The Paris Sleep Chronicles


I’m crazy sick.  This is the first time in over two years that I have a cold.  As such, I’ve been jacked up on anything that ends in the word “ephedrine” for two days straight.

I thought this morning, “Well, since I’m nearly hallucinating from this cold, it would probably be healthy to bicycle to work ten miles each way.”  Not my best call.  But who knows, maybe it was healthy. READ MORE

Isn’t Every Day Mother’s Day?

…is something I would never say, write, or even think!  Cursed is the man who utters such a phrase!  Run out of town on a rail he should be!

Okay, obviously I was kidding – I’m sure you were ready to punch me through your computer screen right into my sack. READ MORE

Putting Off Packing

Please, don't come over to our table. Just let me eat my pollo asado in peace.

Tomorrow I leave for Peoria to spend with the weekend with my parents.  Mother’s Day and all.

While I was catching up on some stuff tonight, I realized I hadn’t packed.  This isn’t a big trip – just three hours by car.  I have to put some food and water out for the cat, put clothes in my little suitcase thing, and pack up the computer.  Also, I’m bringing the dog, so a few of her things. READ MORE