My UK Radio Interview Is Live!

My new pal Jodie Orton from SirenFM  put the interview she did with me on YouTube.  You probably missed it live (as I did), so here’s your chance to check it out.  I found out that she did make a few edits to the segment, and I wanted to share with you the exact conversation we had when she told me.  Unlike her, I will display the conversation in full without censor.  Videos down below! READ MORE

How to Blow a Radio Interview

Nobody cares about me?

I just got off with Jodi Orton at American Dream Team, a radio program in the UK.  We did about 25 minutes on my favorite topic – me.

To check out their programming and listen live to the station, visit SirenFM here

I don’t know about how the FCC works over, or if they even have one, but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen tons of boobs and heard lots of f-words during prime time television programming. READ MORE