Behold The New Website Design!

Yep, she designed the logo. I bet that gray hat smells awful.

On Saturday I deployed a new design of ThoughtsFromParis.  I’m especially proud as this was a total rebuild.  I tore the old one down and started from scratch.

This was a huge project.  I know when you look at it there’s a lot of simplicity.  That’s intentional.  Surprisingly, to achieve that effect took around 60 hours of work.  It was one of the most difficult projects I’ve ever taken on. READ MORE

The Time Is Nigh… (that means “near,” bozos)

If you don't help me, I'm just going to make it an all-walrus design.

I have been plagued by an annoying thought for the past few months.

My website simply loads too damned slow.

Partly it’s my fault – I have burdened this bitch down with tons of scripts, images, and customization.  I’ve tried various solutions to decrease load time like eliminating extraneous functionality, moving my server to a cloud, combining image sprites, caching stuff, and all sorts of nerd crap.  Nothing works. READ MORE