I Love Plucking White Hairs – A Confession

I so totally get this.

When I was nine my mom brought home a black cat that was hanging out by the dumpster at the Junior League.  It was our first family pet, and we named her Shadow.

Actually, that’s not entirely true as we had two cats when I was born but I think they bit me or my sister and were removed. READ MORE

I’m Racing To See Race!

Great - another kitchen appliance I won't use.
Great - another kitchen appliance I won't use.

When I was twenty seven my sister bought me a fondue set for my birthday.   At the time I had only eaten fondue once at a Melting Pot chain restaurant.

Umm…   Thanks for the gift, Dana.

You don’t like it?

No, it’s not that.   I mean it’s cool and all, but I don’t snack on cheese and I’m not interested in dipping strawberries into chocolate. READ MORE

ThoughtsFromParis Is Officially In The Black!

This one walks around the house in the middle of the night. I think she's trying to kill me.

I am absolutely not joking when I write that I had to Google “in the black” to confirm that the meaning of that idiom is “making money.”

I thought it might be “in the red” or for some reason, “in the pink.” READ MORE

Live Free Or Die Drivin’

I thought I would try something I’d never done before – tell a story via webcam.

Why?  Well, because this one is way too long to try to type out.  It took me over ten minutes to tell, and I talk fast!

Traditional web video wisdom states that anything longer that two minutes will not be watched by most readers.  I believe this to be true for other sites, but not for MY readers!  My readers love me, and have nothing better to do.  Their lives sort of suck. READ MORE

Introducing CaptionsFromParis!

You know he plows her standing up, just like that.
Cowboy Assholes
Nobody here has been laid this millennium.

A reader named Suzanne sent me this photo and wrote…

Please use this photo in your next  post and write something funny in the caption.

Now, I’ll admit that particular line isn’t my best but it’s still a solid seven.  I’m pretty damned good at writing funny captions on pictures. READ MORE

Cat Peeing – SOLVED

Why wouldn't I want to go outside when it's 12 degrees out?

I’ve previously discussed how my cat Pantaloons has an unfortunate habit of urinating outside her litter box.

More specifically she urinates on the rug just to the right of my bed.   This is where, when I spring out of bed in the morning (and yes, I spring), I step.   Now, thankfully she hasn’t ever done it in the middle of the night because I get up at least twice like an old man. READ MORE