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Honestly, It’s A Struggle – 2013 BandBackTogether Blogathon

Originally posted at Sad Blogging With Some Silly Bits

Some days are a struggle, but I try.  I found myself really struggling Monday morning, wishing I never had to stop my meds and also missing luxury of having therapist to talk to… or friends.

First week of August and there are things that must be done. One week before the start of school for my last school-age child requires my undivided attention.  On Monday morning that meant getting up at 7:30 – because I also have a college-bound child who I first needed to drive around town to take care of business before  she  leaves for school at the end of the month before even thinking about heading over to the high school for 1:00 pm sign-in for 2012-2013 Registration Day sign-up for my 10th grader who starts school next week.

I TWEETED THIS: Wow…just did the math. I’ve been doing New School Year Registrations for 15 years! 3rd from last time ever for kid #3 #MomsRock!

I’m not used to going out early anymore; not having the best sleep habits doesn’t help make getting out and about easier either. (Melatonin helps, but I forgot to take it the night before.)  So I was happy with myself when I was showered and out the door yesterday at 9:15am.. Also a shocker, I was appropriately dressed – no ponytail, sneakers, yoga pants or t-shirt for once!

I TWEETED THIS:  That took a while… Kid #2 business done & met a nice woman at bank. On to next task… Kid #3 high school registration… #MomsRock #kids
My next concern was People… I had to talk to actual people? I’m not used to talking to people anymore. I don’t get out much, and after a fender-bender at the beginning of Summer I’ve avoided driving as much as possible, which has only increased my isolation.  Seriously, I have little reason or need to go out of the house. But August is here and I am forced back in the saddle again… I mean behind the wheel, and back around people.I TWEETED THIS:  Asking Universe for strength… hoping I don’t throw up or cry having to talk to school counselors about upcoming “stuff.”Then, there was the noise thing.  Having serious noise sensitivity, I wasn’t too sure how well I’d cope among hundreds of teenagers and parents and any kids who tagged along with them… I’ve done this many times before, I know what it is like, difference this time… I’m off my meds.  I wondered if I’d even be able to make it to the first station mid-way through 20 minute wait in line.  A little over an hour later we were home.  The girl has her new schedule and I didn’t feel like throwing up from stress.  It was all good.

I TWEETED THIS:  Woo Hoo… done! Not a single annoying teenager, plasticky mom or tooly dad! It was a good day. Universe actually does listen.

I guess you’d call yesterday a success, right?  It was.  I took care of important Social Security matters, took my middle-child to take care of her important matters-at-hand, and got my youngest enrolled for upcoming school year.  It was a long day, and I managed to get through it.

Two people asked me how I’m handling college girl going away soon.  I teared up just thinking about it; and told them I can’t even blog about it yet.  I am so proud of  her achievements and grateful for opportunities on her horizon, as well and relieved she will be spared uncertainty the rest of us will be facing soon after she leaves. Still, I get sad  thinking about her walking out of this house for the last time ever in a few short weeks. Then, I cried.

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