Last Sunday a bunch of us committed to changing something in our lives that needed to shift.
Time to check in AND set a new goal.
Okay, I can’t not laugh with that logo. I’d like someone to make it prettier, but… No, it’s perfect the way it is. It needs to be fixed – so it can never be. I just went meta, mofo!
Here’s How Let’s Get Fixed Works.
- There is a theme each week where you can join in our crusade to not suck so hard.
- In the comment section declare what you will accomplish this week.
- In seven days I’ll write a follow up post and you can check in. If you’ve made it you’ll receive a virtual make-out session from the rest of us.
- If you fail, well, you’re just human and everyone makes mistakes. Just kidding – we’ll goof on you. Hard.
Checking In
Last week I promised to do three nice things for my girlfriend. I sent her flowers and called her nearly every morning when I got to work (which I never do). Technically that’s just two things. Tomorrow I will head to the store and send off a card. So, I didn’t fully complete that one, and it was simply a planning thing. But I own the failure.
In keeping with the same theme – I have another, probably more important task this week.
I declare that I will go the whole week without criticizing my girlfriend.
I have a major issue where I always notice little things that seem like such a big deal at the time and they’re nothing. I was upset with her tonight because she didn’t get quite as excited as I did about driving to a bad area of Chicago to pick up fried chicken. Whenever I think she should be more expressive I tell her. Basically the message is “you’re not good enough as you are.” Now, I don’t mean it that way, but that’s the message. So, I need to be aware of when I’m doing it and not do it. It’s not about her, anyway. She’s fine. I’ve done this with all my relationships. Something that needs to get fixed.
Now, if she decides to start slinging barbiturates to junior high schoolers, I will be critical. I’m just talking about the stupid things where I’m a dick.
Your Turn
Who could you be less critical of in your life? There’s at least one person that, when you enter the room, thinks, “I hope he/she leaves me alone!” Who are you a nag to? Stop nagging this week, and then start bragging next week! (about how you stopped nagging – just in case that wasn’t clear)
photo credit: animalvegetable bloody marty mix via photo pin cc
TRfromRL says:
I wrote a post about True Love…… “True Love is acceptance, with an open heart, of yourself and others without the expectation of growth or change, yet accepting whatever growth and change occurs without judgment.” Here’s the link….enjoy…. time you feel the urge to criticize….compliment her instead. It could be “You have nice toes.” or “I love your smile.” You can’t control other people, but you CAN make them feel good or bad. Choose to make her feel good.Now….more about me……I’m too critical of myself. I’m hard on myself….so therefore, this week, I will try to compliment myself once every day and just be grateful. I’m not really hard on anybody else.
mybrainonkids says:
I can see my husband waving his hands in the background screaming “pick me! pick me!” I’ll point out that I don’t “nag”. I simply point out areas where he could show improvement. But I guess for 1 week, I could give up trying to improve him.
inthemomlight says:
I used to nag a lot… have kids. Then, you will find your mind too occupied to care about the things you used to nag about. Thus, automatically less nagging and of course, this is a great reason to procreate.You see what I just did there. I implied that I don’t nag anymore so that means I don’t have to commit to anything this week, which is a good plan since I major failed my mission last week.
redbone210 says:
It’s me.
Me me me me me.I criticize
everything that I do. It’s never enough. So, today I stop. Can’t speak for
tomorrow, but today is good enough.
Lil says:
Well, first of all, last week I said I was going to not suck at getting college girl all packed up to leave for college… mission accomplished – plus mine, and the hub’s, stuff is packed and ready too! This week, as we’ll be traveling to VT to that the girl to college, I’m going to imagine the hubs and I will keep it together, saying good-bye to our little girl as we loosen proverbial apron strings and let her go on her way. I’ll confidently leave my eldest child to care for his younger sister here at home and trust that they will eat well, make it to school or work on time, and take care of the dogs. Mostly I just need to try to be strong and home my untreated MI doesn’t get the best of me. Wish me luck
Natalie the Singingfool says:
New goal: not work myself into the ground. Thanks for the reality check, which I sorely needed! Also: the cat picture? I choked on my corn flakes.
Dalrie says:
I will stop nagging my mother. It’s her life, even if I don’t agree with her choices…We only have to do this for a week right?
Kristina says:
So, last week’s goal went ok, I guess. My place (yes, cabin) is not exactly sparkling, but I did at least pick up. Since the point was to try to pull myself out of a battle with depression, and picking up is more than I’ve done in [I wrote the truth here but then deleted it. let’s go with “a while”], I’m calling it a win!
Kristina says:
Oh yeah… and this week. There are themes now? Hmmmm…. I don’t know who I nag. I suppose I’m sometimes nastier than is necessary with my friend Rob. This is usually preemptive nastiness, since he is frequently a jerk, but I have noticed lately that I’m probably overcompensating. So, yeah, ok. This will be ‘be nice to (or at least not mean to)’ Rob week.
Banana Stickers says:
You know what’s funny? And by funny, I mean what in the blue fuck? The biggest reason the Boyfriend and I fight is because I DON’T NAG HIM. My nagging feature broke at some point in life and it really causes issues. He actually wants me to get on his case to do things like clean and act like a grown up once in a while but glaring at him while I wash the plate I found in his room that’s covered in three day old dried up bull shit and mashed potatoes just comes more naturally. I don’t do it on purpose. I literally can’t bring myself to ask him to do it. I. Am. Broken. So, I guess this week I’ll nag more? Or drink less. Yes. One of those.
thebloggerincognito says:
Update: I called him and ate cookies. But not until the following day. There was some massive shame spiraling, but I feel better overall. Strangely enough, I’m most critical of myself. But that’s no fun, so I’ll try to be less critical of others this coming week. There’s no one person, but I admit I sometimes catch myself being very judgmental of people who I perceive as being less intelligent or less “together.” And looking at my own life, it’s pretty hypocritical. So no more of that this week.
DawnRoseTurner says:
I like to think of (criticism) as discernment ~ perhaps I have an advantage in that I live alone and work at home (yes, nearly total hermit), but this affords me the opportunity to be less critical ~ when I really need a “fix” there’s always someone bitching on Facebook or Twitter ;)So, to make up for my lack of criticism for the week, am just going to say: BE NICE to Your Girlfriend 3/3 ~ not only does she have to endure your odd criticism (I mean, really?), but she also has to accept (sigh) that you will Blog about it/her. The girl either has a halo or self-loathing issues. You should just be counting those lucky stars ~ Attitude of Gratitude :)(yeah, my Avatar is talking to You 😉
ravindrakataria says:
@pooja_y_jain hii
Kelly Fox says:
So last week, my goal was to get my house clean. Meh.. It’s clean enough.. It’s not Kelly clean.. Meaning (Monica from Friends clean) But, it’ll have to do. This week.. I HAVE to find rent money. The rent is due the first and I have Goose egg. Nada, none, zero, zilch of it.I have no idea where to find it, or how, but I have to somehow, stand on a street corner, hawk stolen VCR’s, beg with a tin cup, something.